Honorary Degrees
Honorary Degrees
Elie Horn
Honorary Fellow
Idan Ofer
University of Haifa Alumnus
Honorary Fellow
Inna Braverman
University of Haifa Alumna

Doctor of Philosophy, Honoris Causa

Recipients of a University of Haifa’s honorary degree are recognized for their significant contribution to society, academia and science; and for his or her friendship with the University of Haifa and support in advancing its vision.

Honorary Doctorate Conferees of the University of Haifa

Peter Abeles (1988)

Arnold Aberman (2015)

Marina Abramović (2022)

Hélène Ahrweiler (1997)

Gila Almagor-Agmon (2019)

Eitan Aizenberg (2022)

Shulamit Aloni (2013)

Robert (Uri) Alter (2015)

Herta Amir (2016)

Paul Amir (2010)

Nathan S. Ancell (1984)

Bertil Andersson (2023)

Ruth Arnon (2017)

Shlomo Artzi (2012)

Jacques Attali (1993)

David Ayalon (1995)

Lawrence S. Bacow (2021)

Michael A. Baker (2018)  

Aharon Barak (1992)

Moshe Bar-Asher (2005)

José Manuel Durão Barroso (2012)

Wladyslaw Bartoszewski (2008)

Carolyn Baum (2008)

Theodore and Florence Baumrittern (1987)

Yosef Begun (1984)

Avi Benlolo (2017) Tribute Book 

Yitzhak Ben-Aharon (2004)

Yehoshua Ben-Arieh (2001)

Yosl Bergner (2013)

Ruth Berman (2013)

Rafael Beyar (2019)

Tony Blair (2002)

David Blunkett (2005)

Walter F. Bodmer (1998)

Irina Bokova (2011)

André Bollag (2006)

Boutros Boutros-Ghali. (1995)

Onno J. Boxma (2009)

Gro Harlem Brundtland (1997)

Bruce Bueno de Mesquita (2016)

Guido Calabresi (1988)

Jimmy Carter (1987)

Oscar Ghez de Castelnuovo (1995)

Tzili Charney (2018)

Leon H. Charney (2001) (Bio)

Ilan Chet (2006)

Aaron Ciechanover (2010)

President William J. Clinton (2022)

Irun Cohen (2018)

Nili Cohen (2018)

Saul Bernard Cohen (2004)

Morley M. Cohen (1985)

George A. Cohon (1996)

James S. Coleman (1992)

Tony and Elizabeth Comper (2006)

Victor Conway (1995)

Irwin Cotler (1992)

Isaac M. Dabah (2021)

Ralf Dahrendorf (1994)

Michael Dan (2009)

Ruth Dayan (2010)

Michael W. Davis (2001)

Lorenzo Dellai (2012)

Alan Dershowitz (1993)

Dalia Dorner (2019)

Ruth Dreifuss (1999)

Sylvia A. Earle (2019)

Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt (2007)

Arie Lova Eliav (1995)

Yohanan Elihai (2008)

Paul Erdos (1994)

Christian Estrosi (2011)

Meir Ezri (2006)

Dante S. Fascell (1990)

Enrique Feldman (1999)

Avraham Elimelech Firer (2008)

Joschka Fischer (2002)

Anders Fogh Rasmussen (2008)

Steve Forbes (2007)

Ernst Fraenkel (2009)

Sandor Frankel (2017)

Viktor E. Frankl (1988)

Jacob A. Frenkel (1999)

Linda & Michael Frieze (2025)

Alexander Gilady (2007)

Carol Gilligan (2006)

Shafi (Shafrira) Goldwasser (2016)

Jane Goodall (2008)

Susan A. Greenfield (2005)

David Grossman (2018)

Audrey Gruss (2007)

Shmaryahu Guttman (1991)

Francis Gurry (2010)

Angel Gurría (2010)

Steven Haberman (2018)

Hossam Haick (2017)

Alexander Haig (1985)

David Weiss Halivni (1993)

Irene Hatter (2014)

Maurice Hatter (1996)

Vaclav Havel (2006)

Esther Hayut (2024)

Reuben Hecht (1984)

Regine Heim (1988)

Gabor T. Herman (2000)

Avram Hershko (2011)

Chaim Herzog (1984)

Itzhak Hoffi (2008)

Elie Horn (2022)

Richard Charles Horton (2021)

Darko Horvat (2006)

Moshe Idel (2003)

Marinus H. van IJzendoorn (2008)

Jeremy M. Isaacs (2019)

Anthony Jacobs (2004)

Greville E. Janner (1984)

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf (2016)

Salim Joubran (2012)

Anthony Julius (2006)

Gyongyver and Peter Kadas (2016)

Jean Kahn (1996)

Morris Kahn (2024)

Daniel Kahneman (2016)

Dani Karavan (1997)

Ian H. Karten (2000)


Outstanding Leadership Award

As of 2010, the University of Haifa confers the Outstanding Leadership Award upon leaders who have made a notable impact on the development and strength of the State of Israel.

The Outstanding Leadership Award is conferred upon individuals who have maintained longstanding, diverse and high-achieving service for their country; made a considerable contribution to the development of Israel’s security, economy and society; and made a considerable contribution to cultivating Israel’s international standing.

Outstanding Leadership Award

Mr.  Yuli-Yoel Edelstein

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Mr. Morris Kahn

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Mr. Stef Wertheimer

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Mr. Shimon Peres

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Honorary Fellowship Award

Awards of Merit

Carmel Award of Merit

University of Haifa Award of Merit

Presidents Award of Merit

Humanitarian Award of Merit

University Chancellor and Honorary Life Member of the Board of Governors

Lifetime Achievement Award

Marvin A. Sadowski (2011)

Honorary Professor Award

Prof. Wendy Sandler (2019)
Head of the Sign Language Research Lab

Credits:  University of Haifa Archives